In this gentle anti-war comedy, a class of French schoolboys divides into two factions who begin to battle each other, with the victors claiming the buttons off the clothes of the vanquished. One day, some of the boys pull a strategic coup by running into battle naked, therefore leaving their enemies nothing to steal. However, after this stunning victory, one of their number tu
演员:达科塔·约翰逊 水野索诺娅 杰梅因·福勒 科雷西·克莱门斯 莫莉·戈登 Whitmer Thomas 西恩·海耶斯 泰格·诺塔洛 敖德萨·阿德隆 Patrick McDonald 马扬克·巴特 Jess Nurse 艾玛·帕萨罗 Rey Herrera Victoria Gale Christina Higa 詹姆斯·亨特 Aly Jade